Our KuneKune Sows & Gilts
Hazel - Jenny sow line (TeWhangi boar line)Hazel is a gorgeous ginger & black gilt that joined us in December of 2010. We have to thank Old Castle KuneKunes for producing this superior pig. Hazel turns heads with her looks and smarts. She comes when called and has proven a wonderful mother.
Litters: May 2012: 2 G/B boars and 2 B/W gilts Feb 2013: 4 Br/W boars and 1 Br/W gilt July 2013: 3 boars (G/B, TRI, & W/Br) and 2 gilts (TRI & BR/W) Jan 2014: 2 B/W boars and 5 gilts (G/B, TRI, B/G & B/W) July 2014: 1 boar (G/B) and 3 gilts (G/B) March 2015: 3 boars (B/W & B) and 3 gilts (B/W and B)
Vada - Rona sow line (Boris boar line)Vada comes to us from Cyndi Berry's KuneKune Preserve. She has great Kune character and is the first to greet the feed every morning. I have been told that if the Kune standard is "solid," this girl is "built out of brick." Vada traveled all the way from North Carolina to join our farm.
Litters: Feb 2013: 2 boars (G/B & Br/W) and 4 gilts (C, G, G/B and B/W) Sept 2013: 3 boars (G/B, B/W, & Br/W) and 2 gilts (B/W) April 2014: 7 boars (C, G/B, B/W, & Br/W) and 1 gilt (B/W) Oct 2014: 6 boars (G, G/B, B/W) and 2 gilts (G/B and Br/W) June 2015: 4 boars (G/B, Br/W, B/W) and 3 gilts (G/B & Br/W)
Winona - Wilson's Gina (TeWhangi)Winona is a lovely black and white gilt farrowed at Olde Reminisce Farms out of Portrait and Grand Champion Boar Winston. Winona has very solid confirmation and really nice movement for a KuneKune. She turned a few heads at the recent WHC show, including the judge's...
Awards: Reserve Champion Sow, West Coast Heritage Classic 2013 Grand Champion Junior Sow, West Coast Heritage Classic 2013 Litters: July 2014: 2 boars (G/B & B/W) and 1 gilt (G/B) April 2015: 1 boar (W/B) and 2 gilts (W/Br and W/B)
Agatha - Aria Giana (Mahia Love)This lovely girl carries the strong genetics of both parents being imported from New Zealand. We hope this lovely black and white daughter of Hamish and Marzipan will mature into another stunning example of the breed.
Litters: November 2014: 4 boars (G/b and B/w) and 2 gilts (B/w and B)
Joleen - Jenny (TeWhangi)This tricolor Jenny gilt is truely lovely. Born in February of 2014, Joleen will soon take her place in our breeding herd.
Litters: September 2015: 1 boar (B/W) and 3 gilts (G/B and B/W)
Jude - Jenny (Andrew)
I've always wanted a cream gal, and each time I produced one, someone talked me out of her. But Jude will stay here at Diamond Wire Farms. Thanks Kathy at Virginia KuneKunes! We couldn't be happier with her!
Harper - Haunene (TeWhangi)
Haunene was a line imported during the 2010 KuneKune import from New Zealand. This line has not been propagated much in the US. Freshly arrived to our farm in December 2015, Harper traveled with a belly full of Haunene babies due any day now. DNA will confirm the identity of the sire. Join the waiting list to reserve your rare bloodlines!
Litters: December 2015: 1 boar (G/B) and 5 gilts (TRI & G/B) August 2016: 3 boars (TRI) and 4 gilts (TRI) March 2017: 4 boars (TRI) and 5 gilts (TRI) |